The GlobalGRACE Brazil team would like to invite one and all to the virtual experience of our final exhibition at Galpão Bela Maré, taking place from May 8th to June 12th in the set of favelas of Maré, in Rio de Janeiro, through hybrid visitation methodologies of our curatorial and educative teams.
The exhibition is a result of the Free School of Arts (Elã) formative artistic residency of 2020-2021, under the name: Masculinities in Dialogue. For more on the residency click here!
As of the last week of May, the exhibition will be openly available for online augmented reality visits produced through 360 footage of the exhibition space and its artistic propositions. Connect here for the link!

The twelve artists in residence come from throughout the city, generating possibilities for dialogue in a field fraught with the unspoken and the unspeakable. They work with different artistic languages, supports, and poetics, in and from peripheralized territories of Rio de Janeiro, between 18 to 35 years, with gender representation and majority Black and LGBT+. They are:

For the full production team:
The artistic propositions open our imaginations regarding what it means to talk about gender, and how to broaden the terms of our political reflection and action, in ways situated and articulated with imbricated systems of racialized oppression and privilege.

Artist: Simonne Silva Alves, Rio de Janeiro, 1990 @rubiisi
Reinventing artistic and political processes during the pandemic, they serve as works in testament of our collective possibilities …

Artist: Paulo Vinicius, Rio de Janeiro, 1984 @monstropreto / @pauloviniciuxx
Artist: Ana Bia Novais, Rio de Janeiro, 1992 @abnovais
Taking on difficult and necessary conversations…

Artist: Abimael Salinas, Rio de Janeiro, 1994 @abimaelsalinas
And cultivating faith in other possible worlds….

Artist: Rafael Simba, Rio de Janeiro, 1998 @simbalifemec
Pull up a seat, open yourself to dialogue, click here and enjoy!

Artist: Rafael Amorim, Rio de Janeiro, 1992 @germedemundo
Photo Credits: Marcia Farias / Imagens do Povo / Observatório de Favelas (@marciafariasfoto)
Written by: Andréa Gill (andrea.b.gill@gmail.com)
To follow our programming see here:
